A Ti

A ti que llegaste a mi vida, cuando no te buscaba.

A ti que no supiste amarme, tampoco encariñarte.

A ti que hiciste que mis ojos por ti lloraran, y otra vez te odiarán.

A ti que te di todo y me quede sin nada.

A ti que te pusiste en mi camino y luego te vi cómo te alejabas.

A ti muchacho de mirada obscura y piel clara.

A ti sonrisa de picardía y besos de pasión.

A ti ahora te digo adiós, pues tu presencia en mi vida no me hace bien.

A ti te deseo que te valla bien, a ti espero volver un día a tenerte frente a mí y decirte no, ya no.



Thoughts at 3:00 am.

The road to happiness start with you.

– Your words have the power to either build up someone or bring them down. So use them wisely.

– Knowing when to speak and when to remain silent is one of the most powerful tools you can acquire

– Always be yourself, be so yourself and aware that this might bothered and is ok. Maybe you shouldn’t have those people around.

– Feeling emotions is ok, is the path to let go. Holding to those emotions is how you destroy yourself.

– You only get to live once, Oct/27/2021 will only happen once. So make everyday count.

– You are learning how to love yourself so you can let others know how you like to be treat it and learn not to settle for less.

– There is a lot of freedom in pain and so much pain in being “OKAY”.

– You read people like you read books, and that’s either amazingly beautiful for some and incredibly uncomfortable for others, but that’s not your fault, that’s just you.